The two surrealist shorts (Pupu by Motoharu Jonouchi, and Sa-in by Masao Adachi) are often mentioned in historical accounts of Japanese underground cinema, but almost never seen. Luckily, they have recently surfaced on the net.
Tamotsu Yato's photo albums are a fine and idiosyncratic example of Japanese homoerotic photography, produced in collaboration with Yukio Mishima.
Please download and install eMule to be able to access the media resources referenced below...
Pūpū (Motoharu Jōnouchi, 1960)
プ-プ- (城之内元晴, 1960)
ed2k: pupu.avi
Sa-in aka The Blocked Vagina
(Masao Adachi, 1963)
鎖陰 (足立正生, 1963)
ed2k: sain.avi
Tamotsu Yatō - 矢頭保
ed2k: Young Samurai.rar
ed2k: Naked Festival.rar
ed2k: OTOKO.rar
3 photo albums: Young Samurai: Bodybuilders of Japan (体道:日本のボディビルダーたち), Naked festival: A Photo-Essay (裸祭り) and OTOKO: Photo-Studies of the Young Japanese Male.